You should have been given credentials to access the official Maven repository - contact us if you don't. Once you have them, downloading the SDK is easy.
First, register the repository in your build.gradle.kts
file, settings.gradle.kts
file or wherever you declare repositories in your project:
kotlinrepositories {
maven(url = "") {
credentials.username = "<DEEPMEDIA_REPOSITORY_USERNAME>"
credentials.password = "<DEEPMEDIA_REPOSITORY_KEY>"
with the actual credentials. Then, just add the SDK dependency:
kotlindependencies {
with the actual version, in this case 0.8.5.
The iOS SDK is distributed in the form of a Swift package that you can install with Swift Package Manager or directly in XCode.
First of all, you should have been given the URL for the official SPM repository - contact us if you don't. Once you have the URL, downloading the SDK is easy and can be done in two ways:
Option 1. XCode
In your XCode project, you'll need to add the SDK as a package dependency. Go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency, enter the custom Git URL provided by our team and select the latest version, 0.8.5.
Option 2. Package.swift
If you have a Package.swift
file that can be manually edited, add the following to your dependencies:
swiftdependencies: [
.package(url: "<DEEPMEDIA_SPM_REPOSITORY_URL>", .upToNextMajor(from: "<SDK_VERSION>))
with the actual URL and <SDK_VERSION>
with the latest version, 0.8.5.
Once that is done, you can use "DeepMedia"
as a dependency for any of your iOS targets:
swifttargets: [
.target(name: "MyApp", dependencies: ["DeepMedia"])
The Camera SDK supports all Android devices starting from API Level 24 (Android 7.0), which covers more than 97% of active devices. For some specific features, OpenGL ES version 3.1 may be required, or its availability may improve performance.
The Camera SDK supports all iOS devices running iOS version 13.0 or newer.
No runtime initialization steps are currently required.